70-30 Principle 

How much time do you spend doing things that come naturally to you?

The answer matters more than you think.

Watch this video to learn more, or read the summary below ...

What are those things that you're naturally good at? The things that you can do with confidence and ease? They may technically be work, but you enjoy them and do them well. They energize you as opposed to draining you. You may lose track of time when you're doing them. Those are your natural strengths, your unconscious competence.

Now, what are those things that you need to do or choose to do … more than want to do? They are like writing with your non-dominant hand. (Writing with your left hand if you are right-handed, and vice-versa.)  You can do them, but they take more time, energy, and attention -- and the quality may be lacking. 

Make a list of your activities in the past week.

  • Divide them into two categories: 1) natural strengths / energizing and 2) learned behaviors / draining.
  • How much time do you spend doing energizing vs draining tasks?
  • If the ratio is lower than 70:30
    • What are the consequence of this balance? (physical, emotional, mental, relational, financial)
    • What one step can you take to improve the balance?
  • If the ratio is 70:30 or above:
    • How is this balance benefiting you?
    • What can you do to protect this balance?

The goal is to keep your balance around 70:30 -- perhaps a bit higher. When it's lower than 70:30 -- when you spend more time doing things that drain you than things that energize you -- life drains out of you. It's not sustainable over time.

When you spend 70% or more of your time operating in your natural strengths, then you will have the energy to do those things you need to do or choose to do but aren't your favorite things to do.

The goal is not to for this balance to be 100:0 or even 95:5. That's not realistic. And, you need opportunities to stretch you so you can grow.

Revisit this tool regularly and assess your balance. When your ratio starts trending down, be intentional to address that and regain a 70:30. 

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About the author

A former CPA, my career started at a Big 5 accounting firm. As part of the Family Wealth Planning group, I saw the challenges of family business and family wealth. Those challenges often overshadowed the enjoyment of working with family. I was convinced there had to be a better way, but could not find anyone who could help navigate the intersection of family, business, and wealth. Determined, I left my career in finance and earned a Masters in Psychology.
In the almost two decades since, I have learned how families can thrive -- even when business is personal. Let me help you, your family, and its business thrive.

Let's talk about what matters to you.

I am based in Charleston, SC and serve clients across North American and abroad.

To schedule a consultation and see if we are a good fit to work together, please contact me directly via phone or email.