Expectations Scale 

How realistic are your expectations for yourself?

Watch this video to learn more, or read the summary below ...

Given the resources you have immediately available -- time, energy, money, support -- where do your expectations fall on this scale?


Are your expectations unrealistic or impossible? If so, you're setting yourself up for failure. You're not likely to meet these goals, which will disappoint you and frustrate you. You may even look at the list and say Why bother?


This thought will sabotage you and cause you to underperform. You will fail to do what you can do -- because you feel defeated by what you can't.


Or are your goals toward the other end of the scale -- are they limited or resigned? You, too, may wonder Why bother? What difference will it make? I can put them off.


We thrive on a certain level of challenge. When it's not there, it can be hard to muster the energy to start. Low expectations can be self-defeating. They can cause you to not do what you can do. And that will rob you of the satisfaction of getting things done.


Self-efficacy is your belief in your ability to succeed. It helps us overcome setbacks, be resilient, press on, grow, thrive. It's important for your wellbeing.


The only way to build self-efficacy is by doing. You develop self-efficacy through experience. You learn your capabilities through what you do. You learn you can do hard things when you do hard things.

Consider this:

  • Look back at your expectations for today.
  • Given the resources you have immediately available, make them a stretch, but doable.
  • Then do them.
  • Experience the satisfaction of accomplishment.
  • Let that build your self-efficacy and fuel you to take on the next challenges.

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About the author

A former CPA, my career started at a Big 5 accounting firm. As part of the Family Wealth Planning group, I saw the challenges of family business and family wealth. Those challenges often overshadowed the enjoyment of working with family. I was convinced there had to be a better way, but could not find anyone who could help navigate the intersection of family, business, and wealth. Determined, I left my career in finance and earned a Masters in Psychology.
In the almost two decades since, I have learned how families can thrive -- even when business is personal. Let me help you, your family, and its business thrive.

Let's talk about what matters to you.

I am based in Charleston, SC and serve clients across North American and abroad.

To schedule a consultation and see if we are a good fit to work together, please contact me directly via phone or email.