Leaders worth following are healthy and know how to multiply what they know to others. But what does leader health look like? One tool to gauge health is the Peace Index.

On a scale of 0-100, how healthy are you in the areas of Purpose, People, Place, Physical Health, and Provision?
To help with your ratings, consider these questions …
- How often do you feel a keen sense of meaning and spend your days engaged in what matters most?
- In both your personal life and work, how clear are you on what's most important -- for your time, energy, money?
- How aligned are your choices with your values?
- How would you rate the health of your relationships at home, work, and the community?
- How satisfied are you with the depth, breadth, and diversity of these relationships?
- Do more of your relationships fill you up or deplete you of energy?
- How satisfied are you with the community in which you live, work, and serve? Consider such qualities as climate, traffic, scenery, and recreational options.
- How is your physical work environment? For example, does it provide the degree of quiet and ease of interaction with others that you need to perform your work well?
- Are the physical surroundings of your home conducive to rest, relaxation, and recreation?
Physical Health:
- How vibrant is your physical health? Are you surviving or thriving?
- Do you have the energy, strength, and stamina levels you want – to work, play, and serve?
- How would you rate your food choices, activity level, and your quality and quantity of sleep?
- How satisfied are you with the current level of financial resources available to you?
- Are the resources sufficient to meet your desired level of spending, saving, and sharing?
- Provision can also refer to non-financial resources, such as time. Do you have time “pro-vision” – that is, time for-the-vision of the life you want to lead?
Now that you have your 5 individual ratings, reflect on them in 3 ways.
- Which individual ratings are rising, falling, or staying steady? High numbers that are falling may be more cause for concern than low numbers on the rise.
- Which 1 or 2 ratings is most important to you in this season of life? How healthy are you in that area?
- What is the average of your 5 scores? This is your overall Peace Index.
- It can be helpful to calculate your Peace Index on regular basis, such as quarterly. Use these ratings to help you set goals to enhance both the individual ratings and your overall sense of peace and life satisfaction.
Question: In which area would you most like to see improvement? What is one action step you can take to increase that number?
Mindset: I will practice self-leadership by knowing my level of health in all important areas of life. I will be intentional to take steps to increase my Peace Index.