Leading up close and from a distance 

remote leading

This is a time like none other we’ve known. Many of us are adjusting to working remotely and have more time than usual with some family members. The convenience of proximity and the convenience of working remotely can each undermine connection if we are not intentional to consider the Power of the Medium.

remote leading

Non-verbals matter. Facial expression, body posture, and tone of voice – these all give context to our words. When family or team members cannot see or hear you, they are left to guess. At their best, written mediums like email or text, have a small fraction of in-person communication’s effectiveness. They may work well-enough when information needs to be shared, but they under-perform at supporting relationship – professionally and personally.

Because it allows your tone to be heard, talking via phone is better than written communication. We can hear empathy and concern. We can hear disappointment and fear. Verbal communication allows for timely dialogue, not merely an exchange of responses. This back-and-forth communication allows for greater connection.

Video chat is even better. It allows you to see and be seen. It is less convenient than texting or calling – and the extra effort pays off. Family and team members know if they have your attention. They can see care on your face. Video chat is a good second-best when circumstances keep us at a distance.

Most of us cannot be physically present with team members, but we are with family at home. The question is, are we truly present? At times, are we giving them our undivided attention? Person-to-person, face-to-face, heart-to-heart? During this time of increased proximity, take advantage of the opportunity to be present. It is the gold standard for connection.

I wish you well during this unique time. I hope you find creative ways to thrive. May you stay in good health – physically, emotionally, mentally, relationally, spiritually, and financially. If you’d like to video-chat, I welcome you to schedule a time.

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About the author

A former CPA, my career started at a Big 5 accounting firm. As part of the Family Wealth Planning group, I saw the challenges of family business and family wealth. Those challenges often overshadowed the enjoyment of working with family. I was convinced there had to be a better way, but could not find anyone who could help navigate the intersection of family, business, and wealth. Determined, I left my career in finance and earned a Masters in Psychology.
In the almost two decades since, I have learned how families can thrive -- even when business is personal. Let me help you, your family, and its business thrive.

Let's talk about what matters to you.

I am based in Charleston, SC and serve clients across North American and abroad.

To schedule a consultation and see if we are a good fit to work together, please contact me directly via phone or email.