How much of your time do you spend doing what's truly important?
If you're like most people -- it's not as much as you wish.
It's easy to get distracted by the tyranny of the urgent -- both things that are truly urgent and things that only seem so at the moment.
The X factor can help you identify what your time, energy, and resources are going to -- and help you start to allocate them to what matters most.
Learn more in this video:
Consider this:
- Review your to-do list:
- What items have high importance (meaningful) and high urgency (time sensitive)? Put those "fires" out.
- What items have high importance and are not yet urgent? Make a plan to address those before they become the next "fire." Be proactive. Spend more of your time in this quadrant.
- What has low importance (for your skill and time) and low urgency? Delegate these to someone better suited to handle these.
- What types of things steal your attention -- create a sense of urgency but aren't important? Reduce your exposure to those, so you can focus more on what is truly important.